

AUSTRALIAN HometownDavoren Park

Philippine HometownCavite

How has Homegrown helped you with your basketball journey?

Homegrown basketball has supported me in my basketball journey by enhancing my physical and mental ability to contend against fast paced, highly skilled and experienced players both in the Philippines and in Australia. Homegrown Australia has also ameliorated my level of basketball IQ, shooting, and dribbling efficiency, allowing myself to become more confident when utilising my skills. Moreover, Homegrown has increased my stamina and physicality, pushing me beyond my capabilities and motivating me to further strive for success in my journey.

How do you balance your time between basketball & school?

Balancing basketball and academics are quite challenging to maintain. However, for me, keeping a strict schedule, setting deadlines, and consistently following those deadlines can assist me in succeeding both in school and basketball. To do this, I attempt to be disciplined and avoid anything that will not benefit me in my future.